HomeNYC EventsPromote Your NYC Event or Business

Promote Your NYC Event or Business

Promote your New York City Event or Business to locals and tourists. We LOVE to hear about everything happening in NYC, so we can tell all our site visitors about the latest and greatest. We offer tons of ways to promote your NYC happenings. You may add any event, show, concert, festival, restaurant, sample sale, venue, tour, hotel, restaurant, attraction and more in NYC. There is no faster, easier or more cost-effective way for YOUR event to be highlighted in Google’s #1 spot. Learn more and see screenshots of our rankings results!

NYC Insider Guide Promotion Offers

We offer three types of listings on NYC Insider Guide:

Featured Event

  • This is for an event, show, concert, festival, exhibit – get YOUR Event to Google’s #1 NYC Event spot.

Sample Sale

  • Just for Sample Sales, highly targeted NYC shoppers with a dedicated FB page and email list.

Business Listing

  • Hotel, restaurant, attraction. If you have a NYC business, we want to tell everyone about it!

Ready? Choose Your Featured Package and Get Posting! Thank You!

Choose your Business or Event Package and click "Add to Cart." Events usually require around 10 business days to go live, except as noted in featured packages, as I review each event personally, or you can add "Rush Post" to your cart (in addition to the featured package – RUSH POST is NOT a Stand Alone Offer, it must be purchased with another package level). Buy 1 Promotion Package and Get the Second One 20% Off. See Bulk Pricing Packages below.

***After you pay, you will be directed to the submission form. If, for any reason, you lose your connection or are not redirected, you can always find the Event/Business Submission Form here. Thank you!***

  • Featured Events: Platinum, Gold, Silver (more info)
  • Sample Sales: Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze (more info)
  • Business Listings: Empire, Big Apple (more info)

Single Pricing Packages (see Bulk Pricing for 20% Off)

Featured Events

Event Name

Sample Sales
Event Name

Featured Business
Business Name

Bulk Pricing Packages

All bulk packages include a 20% discount (Buy 1, Get 2nd @ 20% Off) and can be used up to 12 months from original date of purchase.

Bulk Featured Events

Bulk Sample Sales

Bulk Featured Business

Learn more and see screenshots of our rankings results!

Have more than 10 events a year and want a bulk discount? Local Non Profit (ie, Museum, Central Park, Highline) and want to promote on our site? Looking for a custom or enterprise solution or monthly promotion discount?
We LOVE to work with local businesses. Contact Melissa and we will work out something!

Event Promotion Packages

NYC Insider Guide consistently ranks in the top pages of Google and other search engines for New York City Events. We usually have the #1 spot and 1 other spot on the first page of search results. Get YOUR event listed in the top spot on Google for NYC/NJ and tourists to NYC easily by using our expertise and years of experience. Learn more and see screenshots of our rankings results!

Hi Melissa – The campaign was a success! Thank you again for all your help, and we’d love to work with you again for our upcoming holiday events. -Adam, NYC

Hi Melissa – I’m glad to be working with you again! We had great results from submitting our current exhibition to NYC Insider Guide so we absolutely wanted to submit our next one 😊 – MaryKat


  • Gold Listing PLUS:
  • Featured on homepage "NYC Insider Monthly Picks" for 1 calendar month
  • Special coding to possibly be Featured on Google #1 Spot for NYC Events
  • Featured in "Top NYC Monthly Events" Bullets
  • Rotation into the featured event on a top monthly events page
  • Rush Post included (usually $20)
  • (1) live link in your post to an external site
  • See details about the Platinum Event Promotion


  • Silver Listing PLUS:
  • Full page listing with Image
  • Placement on a top monthly events page – 10,000+ additional page views per month
  • Confirmation Email
  • No live link in your post to an external site


  • Designed for Press:
  • Image + Paragraph on Blog Page
  • Sent to all Social Media accounts
  • Temporary on NYC Insider Guide under Latest News
  • Standard Turnaround Time
  • No Confirmation Email

Sample Sale Event Packages

Our Sample Sale Calendar receives 7,000-15,000 visitors per month. There is no faster or easier way to get your Sample Sale in front of NYC’s designer shoppers!

Sample Sale Bronze


Sample Sale Silver


Sample Sale Gold

Most Popular

  • Sample Sale Silver PLUS:
  • Premiere Visibility at top of current Sample Sale Calendar with Image, Text and Link
  • 10,000+ page views per month
  • Post pinned to top of our Facebook Sample Sale Page (13k+ followers)
  • Promotion on EVERY Sample Sale Page with Photo (MUST be landscape orientation, no portrait images)
  • (1) Clickable Link in Post to Your Site or Social Media
  • Turnaround Time usually less than 5 days

Sample Sale Platinum

  • Sample Sale Gold PLUS:
  • Dedicated Email to Sample Sale List (4,800 + Shoppers)
  • Rush Post included (usually $20)

Ready? Choose Your Sample Sale Package and Get Posting! Thank You!

Business Promotion Packages

Promote your store, restaurant, hotel or other full-time business to a variety of NY/NJ locals and tourists. Over 2M page views per year. This is for full time, year-round businesses with a local NYC physical address. We are excited for you to really feature your business to our site visitors, so let’s make it count with thorough descriptions, great images, coupons (where applicable), and whatever else will make your business shine. See examples, screenshots and details on Market Your NYC Business.

Business Free

  • Apply for inclusion
  • Must be 500+ words

Business Big Apple

Most Popular


Business Empire

  • Business Big Apple PLUS:
  • Featured Business of the month on all monthly events pages (our most popular pages) for 30 days
  • Includes 1 Big Apple Event per year (promote your largest event with your business)
  • Added to an attraction and/or neighborhood page (ie, Your Restaurant – Best Place to Grab a Cocktail after visiting One World Trade Center)
  • Added to the NYC Printable Guide
  • Create special discount codes or coupons for our site visitors
  • Social Media/RSS Blast – Twitter, Facebook, RSS, and over 3,500 newsletter subscribers
  • (1) Live Link in Post to Your Site or Social Media

Ready? Choose Your Promotion Package and Get Posting! Thank You!

Stay in Touch – NYC Online Promotion

  • List customized for NYC business owners, event planners and PR agents
  • Learn more about our NYC promotion packages
  • Subscribe today to be the first to know about our event and business promotion plans

Promote YOUR New York City Event or Business

***We have VERY SPECIFIC instructions for submitting a New York City Event or Business Listing, so please follow them as best you can. We encourage you to get your text and images prepared before using the form so you don’t lose any of your work.***

Event or Business Submission

Titles MUST be Simple and Descriptive. Include a reader-friendly descriptive term, such as sample sale, show, festival, concert, charity, art exhibit, hotel, restaurant, pop-up, museum.

  • Good Event Title, "Book of Mormon Broadway Musical Comedy";
  • Bad Event Titles, "Hottest New Satire of Latter Day Saints" or "Celebration & Reflection" or "Happy Times" (yes, these are real submissions we've received).

This isn't about cute marketing or PR gimmicks. The nature of your event should be perfectly clear in your headline.

Events must be submitted in article form, not as a Press Release. The first paragraph MUST be a Full Paragraph and be several continuous sentences of at least 5 lines of text. Businesses - we want you to talk all day about how awesome your business is and why we should visit it. For events, please include, in this order:

  1. Opening Description Paragraph as described
  2. Date, Time (events only)
  3. Title (business and event)
  4. Location (Address, City, State, Zip, Directions)
  5. Events - More about the artists, organization, music, brand, etc. Business - tell us everything!

(You MUST TYPE ALL THIS INFO. An image with such info does NOT replace typing it in this form)

Must include one .jpg image, named descriptively. Do NOT upload images with generic names such as "image-1" or "logo" or "flyer." (Name your images to coordinate with your post, such as "nike-shoes-sample-sale.jpg." Image maximum upload size is 100 Kb and ideal widths are 1024px or 1280px. Please use iloveimg.com to format or size your image (click resize, upload, change width to 1280, then click compress and download).

All submissions are published at the sole discretion of the NYC Insider Guide. FREE requests are subject to editor discretion and the form must be sent at least 45 days prior to event.

To be listed earlier, please choose a Featured Listing Package .

Ready? Choose Your Featured Listing Package and Get Posting! Thank You!

Platinum Event Promotion Package

The Platinum Event Promotion Package is designed for MAXIMUM exposure to 100K-200K site visitors per month. Here are some are details behind what we do to ensure you reach your target audience.

"Top NYC Monthly Events" Box

Our Top NYC Monthly Events box is often a featured #1 google search result. The Platinum Event Package includes a listing in our "Top NYC Monthly Events."

Our Page
NYC Insider Guide #1 Events

Google #1 Result
NYC Event Listings Promote

Special coding for Google first page results

We usually have the #1 spot and 1 other spot on the first page of search results. The Platinum Event Package includes special coding that may get your event listed with a link directly to your event page on NYC Insider Guide. Your event will be coded like the Orchid Show, St Patrick’s Day and Billy Joel below.

NYC Event Listings Promote

Here is a sample of a Platinum Event Package in 2021. "FREE Contemporary Art Exhibition" was listed on Google Page #1 within 2 Days of the event posting. The event is listed on our August Events page as a monthly top pick, and Google created a direct link to their listing page on NYC Insider Guide.

Market Your NYC Event

NYC Insider Guide consistently ranks in the top pages of Google and other search engines for New York City Events. We usually have the #1 spot and 1 other spot on the first page of search results. Get YOUR event listed in the top spot on Google for NYC/NJ locals and NYC tourists easily by using our expertise and years of experience. There is no faster, easier or more cost-effective way for YOUR event to be highlighted in Google’s #1 spot. Choosing the Platinum Event Package means you have a good chance of your event being listed TWICE on the first page of search results for locals and tourists looking for Monthly Events and Things to Do in NYC.

***We do not guarantee results, nor can we predict what Google might do with their algorithms, which change multiple times daily, but we can assure you remaining in the top spots on Google for NYC events is our #1 focus. ***

Ready? Choose Your Promotion Package and Get Posting! Thank You!

NYC Event Promotion Guidelines

  1. Titles MUST be Simple and Descriptive. Include a reader-friendly descriptive term, such as sample sale, show, festival, concert, charity, art exhibit, hotel, restaurant, pop-up, museum.
    – Good Event Title, "Book of Mormon Broadway Musical Comedy";
    – Bad Event Titles, "Hottest New Satire of Latter Day Saints" or "Celebration & Reflection" or "Happy Times" (yes, these are real submissions we’ve received).
    This isn’t about cute marketing or PR gimmicks. The nature of your event should be perfectly clear in your headline.
  2. No press releases, this site publishes articles. The first paragraph must be a Full Paragraph and several continuous sentences of at least 5 lines of text.
  3. If the business or event is not in Manhattan, public transportation must be included.
  4. Photo/Image Guidelines – please read below
  5. When submitting payment, there is a Memo Field in Paypal (it is tiny!!!). Please add the name of your event or business there (this is how we connect the submission to the payment).
  6. Keep reading for additional tips on image specifications and other listing guidelines.


Guidelines for Both Business and Event Listings

  1. Please have all your text and images ready prior to filling out the form in case your network connection is disrupted, we don’t want you to lose all your work.
  2. Image Names – Must include at least one photograph, named descriptively. Do NOT upload images with generic names such as "image-1" or "logo" or "flyer." (Name your images to coordinate with your post, such as "nike-shoes-sample-sale.jpg."
  3. Images should be landscape orientation (width greater than height) and not portrait. Ideal image width is either 1024 or 1280 so we can feature it as a banner across the top of your listing (example)
  4. Accepted image formats are .jpg
  5. Image Size Restrictions – Image maximum upload size is 100 kb and max width is 1280px. Please use picmonkey.com or iloveimg.com to format your image. iloveimg.com will let you compress your image, which does not compromise photo quality, but does reduce the file size of the image (not the dimensions, but the file size)
  6. Correct spelling, punctuation and grammar. This is a quality website and only quality submissions will be accepted.
  7. Must appeal to a wide audience
  8. Please do not ask how long it will take to post your event before you submit it. When 6 businesses ask in a day, before submitting their listings, there is no way to provide an answer. Estimated and maximum timelines are posted on this page, for each listing type, and we try and post all submissions as quickly as possible. Many are posted the same day they are submitted.
  9. Please SHARE your page once it goes live or share the homepage today! The power of group posting allows a site with more links and likes to get YOU much more traffic.
  10. If you have any trouble, please email me at melissa @ nycinsiderguide.com
  11. Note: Your Paypal receipt will use the business name: FilmProposals-NYC Insider Guide

I really try my best to accommodate all businesses and events, but my ultimate goal is always to maintain a successful site, which takes time and resources. Submissions that DO follow the guidelines still take me time to approve, edit and process, so I am quick to delete any free submissions that don’t follow these instructions precisely. For featured packages, I will always try and work with you to best showcase your business or event.

Please Note: The best events and business for NYC Insider Guide usually fit with the theme of the site and appeal to a wide audience of both Tourists and Locals. Generally, only 5-borough listings will be posted. Religious events, one day business conferences and one-night shows at small venues, especially outside of Manhattan, will likely not be posted.

Ready? Choose Your Promotion Package and Get Posting! Thank You!

Business Listing Guidelines (Featured and Free)

  1. Promote your store, restaurant, museum, hotel or other full-time business to a variety of NYC tourists and locals.
  2. Does your listing on NYC Insider Guide need updating? Hours of operation, address and more can be updated here.
  3. This is a place for you to really feature your business. Must be at least 500 words, include at least 1 image, a link to your website and generally highlight your business. It is a place to feature your business to our site visitors, so please make it count.
  4. Choose from multiple business promotion packages or get a free listing.
  5. Upload photos, descriptions, contact info, store hours, coupons and more.
  6. MUST be a physical business in NYC – no online business, services or apps being accepted at this time.

Ready? Choose Your Promotion Package and Get Posting! Thank You!

Submission Instructions

  • Read all instructions above and get your text and image ready per guidelines. It is best if you have this all on your hard drive before starting to fill out the form as sometimes internet connections are lost and you don’t want to lose your work.
  • Choose Your Promotion Package
  • After you pay, click "Return to Merchant"
  • If, for any reason, you are not redirected, please go to https://www.nycinsiderguide.com/new-york-city-event-submission-guidelines#form
  • If you have any trouble, please email me at melissa @ nycinsiderguide.com.
  • Note: Your Paypal receipt will use the business name: FilmProposals-NYC Insider Guide

Ready? Choose Your Promotion Package and Get Posting! Thank You!

NYC Insider Guide
NYC Insider Guidehttps://www.nycinsiderguide.com
Welcome! I'm Melissa, a fourth generation New Yorker, who has been lucky enough to live in New York for over 30 years. I love just about everything in New York City, the very reason I started this web site, and I look forward to sharing it all with you. Please explore the New York City Insider Guide at your own pace. I hope it helps you plan your New York City Vacation, so you not only go home as a NYC Insider, but plan to visit us again soon.


  1. Hello! Would love to feature our sample sale on your website but I can’t upload my flyer after resizing. Could you please advise on how to proceed?


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